Fenugreek Whole - Anthony The Spice Maker
Bittersweet | Warm | Musty graine de fenugrec | bockshornklee | フェネグリーク While its musty aroma is not to everyone’s liking, the spice provides a savoury, bittersweet background for many dishes. Fenugreek acts as a natural thickener for rich curry dishes and meat or vegetable stew. When using fenugreek seeds, pan roast them over medium heat to reduce their bitter taste and try combining them with other strong spices such as Coriander, Cumin, and Paprika. A squeeze of lemon juice at the end of cooking can also help to balance out any bitterness. Processed in India. Sorted and packed in Singapore. Packed in food grade resealable spice pouch. Net Weight 70g