Turmeric Ground - Anthony The Spice Maker
Woody | Floral | Bitter curcuma en poudre | Kurkumapulver | ターメリック One of the main constituents of a curry blend - Curry Powder Singapura. Add sparingly if it is to be used on its own so that the bitter notes do not overwhelm. Mix a teaspoon with cooking oil and honey, and toss with vegetables like butternut squash, pumpkin or cauliflower before roasting. Combine with Sweet Paprika Ground, lightly crushed Cumin seeds, and oil for a meat rub, and massage into the skin before roasting lamb or pork. To drink as a shot or make a spiced drink or latte, refer to the ATSM Wellness Golden Turmeric spice blend. Processed in Indonesia. Sorted and Packed in Singapore. Packed in food grade resealable spice pouch. Net Weight 60g