Szechuan Peppercorns - Anthony The Spice Maker
Pungent | Citrusy | Floral poivre du Sichuan | Sezuan Pfeffer | 花椒 (かしょう) Szechuan Pepper is an essential ingredient in Chinese cooking. It comprises two of the five key flavours of Chinese food, namely hot (or pungent) and bitter (or numbing), the others being salty, sweet, and sour. Fry crushed Szechuan Peppercorns in oil before using it to stir-fry green beans, asparagus, or cabbage. Add whole to slow-cooked dishes such as pork belly and oxtail braise. Processed in Singapore. Sorted and packed in Singapore. Packed in food grade resealable spice pouch. Net Weight 40g