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How to Cook Sambal Asam Fish

Sambal Asam Fish Recipe

Serves 4 – 5


800g – 1kg fish
6 stalks okra sliced
2-3 eggplant sliced
4 tbsp of cooking oil
1 tbsp of sugar
100g tamarind/Asam (mix with 4 cups of water)
900ml Asam water
Half pineapple sliced (optional)


Heat up oil for about 1 minute over medium low heat.

Stir-fry Sambal Asam Fish Paste for about 10 minutes or until fragrant.

Add prepared asam water and bring to a boil.

Add prepared vegetables and pineapple and let it cook for awhile.

Add fish and let it simmer till it is cooked.

Add sugar to taste.

Best served with rice while hot!
